Emily Barletta (États-Unis)

Untitled (2015)

Chaque petit point est, pour Émily Barletta, le témoin d’un moment de la journée. L’acte fastidieux de coudre permet à l’artiste de créer « un espace mental plus lent que le reste du jour, pendant lequel piquer une aiguille dans le papier, le traverser, tendre le fil et recommencer, crée des mondes plus doux que celui-ci ». Untitled, une série de dessins réalisés au moyen de fils de lin, tient sa richesse du patient assemblage des points qui évoque de vastes paysages

Émily Barletta est diplômée du Maryland Institute College of Art. Son travail a été exposé aux États-Unis et à Milan. L’artiste a reçu de prestigieuses bourses et son talent a fait l’objet d’éloges notamment dans le New York Times, le Washington Post, l’American Craft Magazine et le Fiberarts Magazine. Émily Barletta vit à Brooklyn, New York.

As a record of daily moments, each small stitch in Emily Barletta’s artwork is a scar from the trauma of day-to-day survival. The act of tedious stitching allows her to focus in on one small moment to create a tiny intersection that slows down time and grasps it:  “…the needle allows me to create a mental space, slower than the rest of the day, in which I can put the needle into the paper, pull it through, taut, and start again, creating delicate worlds that are softer and kinder than this.” This series of linen thread drawings draws its richness from the patient build-up of stitches that together evoke an image inspired by landscape and vastness.

Emily Barletta has a BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art and currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. Her work has been exhibited across the United States, most recently at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles in California and at La Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan, Italy. Barletta is the recipient of the prestigious Pollock-Krasner Grant in 2011 and a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in 2009. Her work has been praised in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Village Voice, American Craft Magazine and Fiberarts Magazine, among others.